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ACHIEVE partners are well integrated into existing research and innovation in their countries, across the EU and globally. This integration is created through:

  • Their individual and organisations’ participation in closely related collaborative research projects.
  • Lead and contributing authorships of large-scale international assessments: IPCC Assessment Reports, IPCC Methodological Reports, UNEP Emissions Gap Reports, UNFCCC Yearbook of Global Climate Action, Global Environmental Outlook.
  • Scientific advisory roles for research projects and governmental and intergovernmental bodies: UNFCCC Race to Zero campaign’s External Peer Review Group; Verified Carbon Standard; Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism; Technical Working Group on Non-State and Subnational Action Guidance of the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency; Science Based Targets Initiative’s Scientific Advisory Group; Swedish Climate Council; Dutch Climate Research Initiative KIN, Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market.
  • Memberships in scientific networks: IAMC, ECEMP, ISIE, KIN, ESG, ‘Camda – for credible climate action’ network.
GreenDeal-NET logo

GreenDeal-NET (The European Green Deal: Governing the EU’s Transition towards Climate Neutrality and Sustainability) is a Jean Monnet Network co-funded through the EU's Erasmus+ programme. The Network aims to dissect the European Green Deal, and the complex set of governance challenges related to sustainability and climate neutrality it poses and deepen our understanding of what a fair and effective climate transition could look like by focusing on the governance of the European Green Deal, by acting as a platform for collaboration and debate on teaching and research.

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NDC ASPECTS will provide inputs to the Global Stocktake and support the potential and gender-responsive revision of existing NDCs, as well as the development of new NDCs for the post-2030 period. The project will particularly focus on four sectoral systems that are highly relevant in terms of the greenhouse gas emissions they produce yet have thus far made only limited progress in decarbonization. These sectors are transport and mobility (land-based transport and international aviation & shipping), emission-intensive industries, buildings, and agriculture, forestry, and land-use, including their supply by and interaction with the energy conversion sector.

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DIAMOND will update, upgrade, and fully open six Integrated Assessment Models that are emblematic in scientific and policy processes, improving their sectoral and technological detail, spatiotemporal resolution, and geographic granularity. It will further enhance modelling capacity to assess the feasibility and desirability of Paris-compliant mitigation pathways, their interplay with adaptation, circular economy, and other SDGs, their distributional and equity effects, and their resilience to extremes, as well as robust risk management and investment strategies.

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Retool project

The RETOOL project aims to advance our understanding of how to address the twin challenges of responding to the climate imperative while strengthening and reinvigorating democratic governance.

Both projects are focused on advancing Voluntary Climate Action and promoting Climate Democracy.
By combining our expertise and resources, we aim to drive impactful initiatives that empower individuals and communities to actively participate in climate solutions. 

The goal of this synergy is to create a user-friendly glossary of complex terms, featuring short videos that simplify and explain difficult concepts.

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